The time to grow your call center into a multi-channel customer contact center is now. This book has the power to help you increase customer satisfaction through the implementation of Web self-service. The value of this book can be calculated in terms of calls deflected from your call center, increased customer retention, an ultimately in a healthy return on your investment. In this book, the authors take you step-by-step through the best practices that lead to a successful self and assisted-service strategy. Please note – cover subject to change.

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“…a must-read for our consultants who deliver self-service strategy and planning engagements.” — Allen Bonde, President and Founder, Allen Bonde Group, Inc.

“A must read for those exploring how to introduce “effective” Web-based self-service to their customer base.” — Terry Barrett, Worldwide Customer Support, BEA Systems, Inc.

“Dr. Jon Anton and Mike Murphy have presented a compelling view of the future of customer self-service.” — Daniel Friel, Senior Vice President, Strategic Alliances & Investments, Bank of America

Meet The Authors


Dr. Jon Anton

Dr. Jon Anton was an adjunct professor at Purdue University and director of benchmark research at the Center for Customer-Driven Quality. He published many books, white papers and case studies on contact center topics and was a pioneer in research of best practices in the customer contact sector.

He started the benchmarking database which is now managed by BenchmarkPortal. During his career in our industry, Dr. Jon authored the following monthly publications: “The Purdue Page” in Call Center Magazine, “Dr. Jon’s Benchmarks” in Call Center News, “Dr. Jon’s Industry Statistics” in Customer Interface Magazine, and “Dr. Jon’s Business Intelligence” in the Call Center Manager’s Report.

In August of 1996, Call Center Magazine honored Dr. Jon by selecting him as an Original Pioneer of the emerging call center industry. In October of 2000, Dr. Jon was named to the Call Center Hall of Fame. In January of 2001, Dr. Jon was selected for the industry’s “Leaders and Legends” Award by Help Desk 2000.