Training Materials Review:
We review and evaluate a broad sample of learning materials such as Instructor Guides, slides, handouts, and/or e-Learning modules. We evaluate the instructional design quality of materials.
Quality Assurance Program Review:
We review quality scorecards, definitions documents, and recent QA trending data. We then schedule a time to come on-site to dive deeper into the people, processes, and technology that support learning. The on-site discovery is led by ContactsPlus Training Strategy Consultant.
On-Site Activities Include Interviews or Focus Groups With:
Call Center Manager(s):to obtain their perspective(s) on business “pain points”, agent performance, and the efficiency and effectiveness of current training strategies
HR: to understand recruitment practices and employment screening criteria, as well as to gain insights into agent performance, job satisfaction, and turnover
Call Center Training Manager: to learn about departmental challenges, strengths, and areas of opportunity
Call Center Quality Management team: to find out about QA practices, poor performance trends and interactions of the training department
Call Center Supervisors: to collect feedback on the readiness of recently-trained agents to meet performance expectations, as well as to learn how the training department supports ongoing agent development
Call Center Instructional Designer(s): to identify “pain points” in design, development, implementation and evaluation of training programs
Call Center Trainers: to gain insight into challenges they face and find out where they see opportunities for improvement
Call Center Agents (new and experienced): to hear their opinions on how well training programs equip them to succeed on the job
Analysis Also Includes:
Side-by-side observations with agents to view user interaction with callers, online and paper-based job aids, and desktop technology
A high-level assessment of the skill level of members of the training department
Benchmarking of the models and procedures used to produce training against learning industry best practices
Benchmarking of the models and methods used to evaluate training against learning industry best practices
Participation in a demonstration of the learning management system, if one has been implemented
Other meetings with managers and technology experts as appropriate
At the end of our on-site visit, we will conduct a one-hour debrief session with operations leadership to discuss preliminary findings and potential areas of opportunity. This will allow your management team to give feedback on our preliminary findings and recommendations.